
List of Terms  Chakras: Energy centers within the human body that are thought to be connected to various nerve centers and organs in the body and are believed to influence our health and consciousness. 

Consciousness: Our inner state of awareness. It is the platform from which we perceive and engage with the world. As we increasingly feel our interconnectedness with the universe, consciousness evolves towards a higher state of being and is the foundation for profound transformation. 

Ego or Psyche: The aspect of the self that identifies with personal identity, thoughts, and emotions, often acting as a barrier to spiritual awakening. 

Letting Go: A process of releasing attachment to limiting thoughts, emotions, and patterns, promoting true freedom and empowering us to live our lives to the fullest. 

Meditation: A practice to quiet the mind and connect with the inner self or consciousness, discussed as a tool for spiritual growth. 

Mindfulness: The practice of being fully present and aware of one’s thoughts and feelings without judgment. 

Realization: Awakening to one’s true, unbounded Self, a profound understanding of life’s impermanence, a deep connection with all existence, and a harmonious presence in the moment. 

Samskaras: Imprints on the subconscious mind by past experiences, influencing future responses and behaviors, a concept borrowed from Eastern spirituality. 

The Self: The unchangeable and eternal part of our being, beyond the ego, thoughts, and emotions, connected to the universal consciousness, making us feel part of a greater whole and fostering a sense of belonging. 

Shakti: In Hindu philosophy, shakti means power and is the dynamic and universal energy that is the essence of all creation. It is the foundation of the material world and the vital force that animates life. We harmonize with this energy to achieve spiritual growth, enlightenment, and a sense of unity with all existence. 

Spiritual Awakening: The process of becoming aware of and transcending the ego to realize and connect with the true, unbounded Self.  The Witness: The part of oneself observing thoughts and emotions objectively, without attachment or judgment. 

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